Cab Owners

we are the First Marketplace for Cab Owners that allow them to set own Fare.


with our Solution we are working to reduce waiting time for return booking  from  5 Hours to 1 Hours


with our Marketplace they need to pay only for single side not for both Side


with our solution we are able to save 30% fuel in each booking so yes we are Enviroment friendly


we are working to build better Marketplace that will benifit cab owners , Driver & Client at same time

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From the extreme south to the extreme east of India, where there are 200
to 2 million people, we endeavour to ensure that every Stackholder can get benifit of our Marketplace.

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By 2035, we hope to have developed a solution that will be able to eliminate about 1 million tonnes of CO2.

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Want to work with Us?

We are constantly looking for individuals with the drive to make a difference in the world via their work and abilities. Click here, and then join us while we chat over coffee.